Renters' (Reform) Bill: Stopped At Lord's Report Stage

With the Renters' (Reform) Bill stopped by Parliament at the Lord's Report stage, following the announcement of a General Election, we share the latest updates.

Published under Lettings and Our blog — May 2024
Renters' (Reform) Bill: Stopped At Lord's Report Stage

What’s happened since our article last month?

On 26th April the House of Commons debated the key changes outlined below which were largely accepted.

The bill then moved back to the Lords and was heard for the second time on the 15th May.

However, following the announcement by the Prime Minister that a General Election will take place on 4th July 2024, the UK Parliament was discontinued on 24th May 2024, with full dissolution taking place on 30th May 2024.

It was likely with the short run-up to the election on the 4th July that there would be insufficient parliamentary time for the Renters (Reform) Bill and other bills to progress on their legislative journey.

This period is known as "wash-up", where the UK Government and official opposition agree privately on which Bills will make it through to the Statute Book. This period has now expired so the Renters Reform Bill, in its current format, will cease to exist and cannot now be resurrected, including if the Conservative party were to be re-elected. It will now fall to the next government to implement its housing policy.

Party manifestos will be published over the coming weeks providing a clear indication of each one’s intentions and pledges.

The Key amendments include:


What is the Renters (Reform) Bill?

Promising the biggest reform to the private rented sector for decades, the Renters (Reform) Bill will deliver the government’s commitment to “bring in a better deal for renters”, including abolishing ‘no fault’ evictions and reforming landlord possession grounds. It will legislate for reforms set out in the private rented sector white paper published in June 2022.

What Are Its Key Aims?

The objective of The Renters (Reform) Bill is to ensure renters have access to a secure and decent home and that landlords retain the confidence to repossess their properties where they need to.

The Bill will:

Additional measures the Government intends to legislate for include:


The Bill’s passage can be tracked here.

The Parliamentary Research Briefing (April 2024) can be found here.

Amendments to the Bill up to 24th April 2024 can be found here.


Get in touch

If you want advice regarding the proposed changes within the Renters’ (Reform) Bill, contact our local lettings experts below. 

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