Top feng shui tips to help you sell your home

Consider that lovely feeling when you walk into a hotel, and your shoulders instantly relax, and you feel calm and as though all your stresses have been swept away. That’s the feeling you want potential buyers to feel as soon as they enter your home;a feeling of peace, harmony and security.

Published under LifestyleOur blog and Selling — Apr 2023
Top feng shui tips to help you sell your home

Expert Guest Article by Kimberley Gallagher 

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui has been practiced for over 4000 years, and its purpose is to increase wealth, health, abundance and prosperity through the balance of space and objects. The Feng stands for wind, and the Shui stands for water. Therefore, positive Feng Shui means having a good harvest, wealth, abundance and prosperity. The purpose of Feng Shui is to release any energy blocks in your home (building or garden) to create a perfect balance of yin and yang. It’s a highly regarded practice, and there are many different schools of Feng Shui, which is why there is lots of conflicting information available. It tends to come down to how we map the house, and method I use, Flying Stars Classical Feng Shui, maps the house according to the compass direction, and when I analyse a house, I go deeper into this theory. The practice of Feng Shui is becoming more mainstream. Many banks and leading businesses worldwide have Feng Shui consultants to ensure that the workspace is balanced energetically to allow for the growth of prosperity, wealth and abundance. It’s worth noting here that I don’t believe all your furniture needs to be crisp white and arranged in a certain way. Yes, there are ideal ways of doing things, but I’m also very realistic when working with my clients and understand that feeling comfortable in your home takes precedence over how your home looks. 

The power of Feng Shui in selling your home

So, how can Feng Shui actually help to sell a home, I hear you ask! Consider that lovely feeling when you walk into a hotel, and your shoulders instantly relax, and you feel calm and as though all your stresses have been swept away. That’s the feeling you want potential buyers to feel as soon as they enter your home; a feeling of peace, harmony and security. And Feng Shui can absolutely do that. Staging your home with Feng Shui principles can make it more appealing to buyers. Learn about the essential questions to ask when viewing a house to ensure you make an informed decision when moving on to your new property.

My Feng Shui tips

When you decide to sell your home, an analysis is an important part of the process to ensure that good energy flows throughout the house and that any bad energy is unblocked. This can all be done remotely, and contrary to belief, it doesn’t require me to sweep through your home with smoke and mirrors! Here are some tips that you can implement straight away to help you prepare for selling your home:         Place the black horse at the front door facing out, so it looks like the horse is galloping outside of the front door. The horse is such a powerful animal, and the force behind the horse galloping recreates that energy moving out of the home. I always ask my clients to do this if they want to sell their homes. Selling your home can feel like a stressful and often intimidating experience, but Feng Shui techniques can really help you not only visualise moving on but also encourage others to fall in love with the property you’re selling. Learn how to strategically time your sale by exploring our article on the best time to sell your house, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Kimberley Gallagher  Kimberley is often described as ‘The Modern Day Feng Shui Consultant’ and is also the Feng Shui expert on ITV’s This Morning. She works with individuals and businesses worldwide to bring peace, calm and abundance to their lives using the ancient art of Feng Shui.

If you would like more information on how Feng Shui can help you sell your home, visit Kimberley Gallagher's website 'The Feng Shui Flow'

Contact: Instagram: @thefengshuiflow


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